1O Uncommon Bisaya Words

As suggested by my mother, the best thing to feature uncommon Bisaya words are the days of the week and the names o the months.

These are the uncommon Bisaya words:

1.Tingbukad-Monday, Lunes

2. Dumason- Tuesday, Martes

3. Ducat-Ducat- Wednesday, Miyerkules

4. Baylo-Baylo- Thursday, Huwebes

5. Danghus- Friday, Biyernes

6. Singhot-Singhot- Saturday, Sabado

7. Ligid-Ligid- Sunday, Dominggo

8. Ulalong- January, Enero

9. Gubay- June, Hunyo

10. Panglot nga Diutay- November, Nobiyembre






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The environment is very essential to humans, it provides us with foods and air. Thus it is only imperative to take care of it and sustain its beauty.

There are plenty of things you can do to help the environment’s sustainability. One example is living a green life, without damaging the beauty of our nature but rather preserving and taking into actions for the betterment of our environment.

Take a look at these 5 simple ways to live green which is applicable to your day-to-day life activities.


                        save water

Every drop counts, the tap water you use consumes energy. Remember, it needs to be transported, filtered, and purified (even before it reaches your tap). It might just be water, but a lot of fossil fuel is consumed in processing it. In some places, water itself is scarce. You can turn the tap off while brushing your teeth, switch to more efficient washers and dryers in your home, and collect rainwater for use in your garden.



Rubbish and waste can cause air and water pollution. It emanates a foul smell that can cause nausea among people who come into contact with it. It can also be a source for waterborne diseases such as cholera and abdominal conditions and discomfort.

Managing our waste is simply a responsibility after taking advantage of our environment. This could be done by reusing, reducing, recycling and managing our waste to proper disposals.


                    EAT GREEN

Eating is one thing everyone has in common, everywhere in the world. But did you know that eating the type of food can make an impact in the environment? The food industry contributes substantial carbon emissions in the process of shipping their products around the world. When you eat seasonal, local, and organic food, you help to conserve the environment – as well as improve your own health.



Sure, water is good for you, but the process of harvesting the raw materials, processing and manufacturing the petroleum-based plastic water bottles and shipping them to market is extremely energy intensive. So filter your own water and fill up your own reusable bottles for water on-the-go.



Start with planting a tree in your backyard or any possible place. It seems simple, but just one tree can offset tons of carbon over its lifetime. If planted appropriately, it also will provide shade on a sunny day, perhaps reducing the use of energy for air-conditioning in buildings and homes.

Together, let us live a life worth remembering for. Let us put an action to save our Mother Earth, in every possible way.

About Me

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“Be the change that you want to see in the world”- Mahatma Gandhi

Through this educational purposes blog, come with me as we chase our dreams and advocate change for the best. Remember, little things matters.


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